Q: I was told that I don’t have the anatomy for a septum piercing. I know with other piercings there are similar alternatives that give the same look. Is there a work around for this one? -Kile
A: One option you could try is simply a clip-on septum ring. You get the look you want, and you don’t even have to worry about the healing process. (We carry both clip on and magnetic styles, if you were wondering.) Another option would be to get assessed for a rhino piercing. This is a curved barbell through the tip of the nose, at the center point so it’s roughly even with the septum. A third choice would be to get matching nostril piercings and, once they are healed, connect them with a chain. (Your piercer would be able to help you measure the length you need and get it all installed for you.) And a final option would be a philtrum piercing, which is the little divot directly under your nose. While none of these (aside from the clip-on jewelry) give the exact look of a septum piercing, they will draw the eye to that part of your face, and each has its own array of jewelry options. Best of luck!
Q: Do you think it’s important to match the aesthetic of your piercings to the rest of your wardrobe? -Rubi
A: Frankly, no. It’s your body, your piercings, and your look. Mix and match your style however you see fit and don’t let anyone tell you that you did it wrong. Piercings are serious decisions but they’re also style and style is personal and subjective. If you are happy with how you look, then at the end of the day, that is what is important. Happy piercing!
Disclaimer: Body Candy is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to getting pierced. Always consult a professional piercer to make sure a new piercing is right for you!