HealthyCell Fridge Challenge Survey
Complete this short survey, and we'll give you an extra entry into our $200 HealthyCell gift card giveaway!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your email address?
We need this to give you an additional entry into the giveaway!
Overall, did you like this challenge?
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Which product(s) did you take chilled?
Select all that apply
What is your best estimate of how many days of the challenge you completed?
No judgement, just curious!
Did you like your MicroGel™ better cold?
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Did having it in the fridge help you remember to take it?
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Did you notice any changes/benefits from taking it everyday?
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If yes, what benefits or changes did you notice?
Are you going to continue taking your MicroGels™ from the fridge?
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Anything else you want to share about this challenge?
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