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Endless research and uncertainty? Not with Hive.

Every product is Hive Five™ Certified— holistically crafted and obsessively vetted for what’s inside, how it’s made, and its impact.

Confidently fuel your day with Love Grown

Better coffee & cereal, crafted with love and tested to high purity standards

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Our Best Sellers

Meet the products most loved by the Hive

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Our Stance On:

Worried about heavy metals, microplastics, or chemicals? So are we. 

Natural alternatives to harmful chemicals

We ban synthetic ingredients in our food, and prioritize bio-based alternatives for all products.

We believe in reducing exposure through 100% plastic-free packaging and reduced plastic packaging options.

We prioritize testing and follow the guidelines set by the EU and CA. We support brands using organic or regenerative ingredients.

Our standards are constantly evolving based on the latest research and science-backed findings.

For a limited time, save 50% on hundreds of items

We're saying goodbye to some amazing brands. Get them before they're gone - with unprecedented savings.

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  • Contribute to a more sustainable world with every purchase

  • Discover 1000s of sustainable swaps

  • Reduce your household waste

  • Watch your impact grow over time

  • Carbon neutral shipping